Monday 9 February 2015

Google online storage - price falls 5x every two years!

The price of Google's online storage has reduced 5x every two years. This is an exaggeration since there have been only a few revisions to the price, but nevertheless illustrates how the cost of storage has been coming down.

The table below is a summary of their rates over the past few years.

FreeUpto 100GBUpto 1TBUpto 10TB
Before Apr 20127GB$25$256$2560
April 2012 - Feb 201410-15GB$5$50$500

  1. Rates have been rounded up to the nearest dollar.
  2. Some of the intermediate ranges present in previous periods have been left out in the latest
On top of this, services like Google Photos have been offering practically unlimited free space. So, is it time to backup your files, photos and video to the cloud?

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